Orange County Estate Planning Lawyer Blog


Six Real Life Trust Litigation Cases

Intro BE CAREFUL WHO YOU TRUST WITH YOUR TRUST Trust terminology basics A trust is created by a written  document  known as a declaration of trust, and is then funded by transfer of money  into  trust bank accounts and/or deeding or transferring of properties to the  trust.   The creator of…


Getting Money Out of a Trust

My Sister is the Trustee and She Refuses to Pay My Share Trust terminology basics A trust is created by a written document known as a declaration of trust, and is then funded by transfer of money into trust bank accounts and/or deeding or transferring of properties to the trust.   The creator…


Wills – Presumption of Fraud or Undue Influence Where Beneficiary is a Fiduciary or Care Giver

Wills benefiting the attorney or caregiver are suspect Abuses in formation of wills and trusts In California over the last few decades there have been some situations whereby attorneys or caregivers have had wills or trusts prepared that benefit them. There was a famous case of a 95-year-old lady whose…


Wills – No Contest Clauses

Cut out the heirs who challenge the will using No Contest Clauses Challenges can occur If a will or a trust does not make an equal division of the estate then an unhappy heir might want to make a challenge. The law does not require you to equally divide your…


Taxation of Family Limited Partnerships

Partners pay tax on income earned even if it is not paid out to them The taxation of Family Limited Partnerships should be carefully considered in advance of setting up and rolling out your new FLP. FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP DEFINED State laws have provisions allowing people to establish limited partnerships. …


Family Limited Partnerships FLP’S for Asset Protection

Purposes of Family Limited Partnerships People form family limited partnerships (FLP’s) to (i) transfer ownership of properties or assets to family members while still maintaining control; (ii) to save on estate and gift taxes; (iv) to shift income from parents’ higher tax brackets to children’s lower tax brackets; (iii) to…


Taxation of Irrevocable Trusts

Taxation of Irrevocable Trusts – Tax rates can be high on permanent trusts IRREVOCABLE TRUST DEFINED The term “irrevocable trust” is commonly used by estate lawyers and financial planners to describe a trust which is permanent and cannot be changed or revoked. An example would be where you establish a…

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